Parangtritis Beach 2022 Entrance Ticket, Privileges And Legends

Parangtritis Beach is an icon of the city of Yogyakarta which is famous for its legendary myths.

Opening hours:24 hours
Entrance ticket:IDR 10.000,00
Telephone number:
Activity:Playing in the water, taking pictures, flying kites, playing ATV, seeing the scenery, seeing the sunset, riding a horse carriage
Best time:Morning or evening
Need to Bring:Hats, drinking water, food, change of clothes, toiletries, slippers
Prohibition:Forbidden to wear green clothes, forbidden to speak disrespectfully
Address:Kretek, Kretek District, Bantul, Special Region of Yogyakarta
Public facilities:Toilet, Parking area, Rinse room, Mosque, SAR viewing post, Lodging, Food stalls
Access Road:Well
Online Maps:View Maps

Talking about the city of Yogyakarta, who doesn’t know this city? This city is famous for its features. Since the first this city has become a magnet for students who want to study in the city of Yogyakarta. So that this city gets the nickname as the City of Students, because there are so many students from outside the city and even abroad who flock to study here.

Apart from that, did you know that Yogyakarta has many tourist attractions that you deserve to visit and you make your tourist destination. These attractions range from mountains, beaches, seas, forests and many others.

For this opportunity, we from the Dolanyuk team will discuss a very famous tourist attraction in the city of Yogyakarta. The tourist object is Parangtritis Beach.

Overview of Parangtrtis Beach

If you are on vacation to Yogyakarata, it is incomplete if you do not visit this beach. This beach is located south of the city of Yogyakarta and is about 27 km from the center of Yogyakarta. This beach has a very beautiful view, especially if you visit it in the afternoon. The wide expanse of the beach, the crashing waves add to the beauty of this beach.

In addition, this beach is also very closely related to the Legend of Ratu Kidul. The legend has been believed by most of the people of Yogyakarta. Nyai Roro Kidul is known as the ruler of the south coast.


This beach is located in Kretek, Kretek District, Bantul, Special Region of Yogyakarta. If you are not satisfied with visiting one tourist spot, you can visit other tourist attractions around this beach. These attractions are Parang Endog Hill which is located in the hills to the east of this beach. From here you can enjoy the view from a height, and you can enjoy the sunset.

The sand dunes are on the north coast, you can feel the sensation like being in the Arabian Desert. There are many things you can do here, such as taking pictures or playing Sand Boarding. In addition, there is also Depok Beach. Now for this one, it is suitable for those of you who are hungry, because here there is a fish market that is caught by fishermen. There are also many food stalls here that serve seafood.

Price of admission

If you want to visit this beach, you only need to pay an entrance ticket of IDR 10,000 / person.

For parking fees, if a 2-wheeled vehicle is charged Rp. 2000,-, and for a 4-wheeled vehicle, a fee is Rp. 5000,-.

Operational hour

You can visit this beach from 07.-17.00 WIB, but not infrequently tourists visit this beach at night.


Like existing tourist attractions, this beach also has its own charm, an attraction that becomes a magnet for tourists to visit this beach.


If you visit when the weather is sunny, you can enjoy the beautiful sunset of the sun setting on the western horizon in a very beautiful orange color. No wonder if this moment is a moment that is eagerly awaited by tourists who come to visit here.

Horse-drawn carriage

In addition to enjoying the stunning natural scenery, you can also take a train that is widely rented here. You can comb the beach by using a horse-drawn carriage, it will definitely add to the excitement of your vacation.

Playing kites

The beach wind that blows hard is perfect for you and your family to play kites together. You also don’t have to bother bringing your own kite from home, because on the beach there are many traders selling kites.

Not infrequently the beach is also used as a place for kite competitions or festivals which are followed by kite lovers from within and outside the country. If you come here during the kite festival, you will see various kinds of kites from the smallest to the largest flying in the blue sky of this beach.

Exploring the shoreline using an ATV

For those of you who want to feel the sensation of riding an ATV, you can rent an ATV to walk along the beach. A gust of wind and splashing water will definitely add to your excitement while riding an ATV.

water play

Like on other beaches, you can also play in the water on the beach. However, considering the waves are known to be fierce and take many victims, you are strongly advised not to swim at the beach.

Also Read: Sadranan Beach


Indeed, many people believe that this beach is the gateway to the magical kingdom of Ratu Kidul. The territory of Ratu Kidul which has power over the waves in the Indian Ocean. And has a very majestic palace in the heart of the ocean. This story is further strengthened by the ferocious waves of this beach which can reach 7 meters. The waves did not take a few lives.

From the stories circulating from the surrounding community, Ratu Kidul is the spiritual partner of the kings of Mataram or Yogyakarta who have a special relationship. Like Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX who claimed to have met him.

This beach is also included in the unity of Trimurti for the Special Region of Yogyakarta. Trimurti consists of Mount Merapi, which is in the north of the city of Yogyakarta, the Keraton which is in the heart of the city, and Parangtritis, which is in the south of the city of Yogyakarta. The third is the mystical side of the city of Yogyakarta.


Still related to the story above, many people believe that this beach is the door to a magical kingdom led by Ratu Kidul. The myth that swirls in the community is that Nyai Roro Kidul really likes green objects. According to the testimony of people who have supernatural vision, he also wears a green kebaya set.

Believe it or not, visitors who wear green clothes will have bad luck or even lose their lives. It is said that the story was drawn by Nyai Roro Kidul and became a servant in the Unseen Kingdom of Ratu Kidul.

Apart from all the myths above, anyone should still be careful when visiting this beach. And always read prayers according to their respective beliefs before traveling or doing any activities. And always maintain good manners wherever you are.


This beach tourism also has facilities that you can use and add to your comfort when visiting here, such as:

  • Toilet
  • parking area
  • rinse room
  • prayer room
  • SAR viewing post
  • Lodging
  • Food stalls

For those of you who want to stay overnight and still want to continue your vacation here, you don’t need to worry, because here there are lots of inns that you can choose from. There are also bigger inns such as Queen of The South Resort, 2.5 km away, Adinda Beach Villas, 2.7 km away, or Hotel Parangtritis, 2.6 km away.

If you feel hungry and want to buy food, don’t worry, because there are lots of restaurants around here that you can visit. These restaurants include Bakmi Djawa Dua Jaman, which is located along the coast, Bebek Goreng Pak Koes, which is 0.3 km away, or ViaVia Resto & Bakery, which is 0.6 km away.


The following is a list of questions related to the most legendary beach in Yogyakarta:


Parangtritis Beach is a very iconic tour in Yogyakarta. With the beauty of the scenery wrapped with mystical stories of the surrounding community, this location is very interesting for you to visit as a tourist destination.