Can you get an electronic ticket even though the car has been sold?

Jakarta, IDN Times – Electronic Traffic Law Enforcement (ETLE) began to be enforced simultaneously at 12 Polda on March 23 last year. But so far not much has gee.

In fact, the consequences of an electronic ticket are like a conventional ticket, namely that both can be fined. And with an electronic system, traffic violators are more easily caught because the violation is recorded by surveillance cameras.

The camera results will then be sent to the Polda Metro to identify the driver and vehicle owner.

Then what if you receive an electronic ticket even though the car or motorbike listed in the letter has been sold or you don’t feel you have violated traffic rules?

1. Immediately confirm

Can you get an electronic ticket even though the car has been sold?  Here are the Tips Illustration. BETWEEN PHOTOS/Aloysius Jarot Nugroho/foc.

The letter you received was actually not a ticket, but a confirmation letter. The letter, among others, contains vehicle data, the type of violation, and photos of the time of the violation.

Therefore, if you feel that you have not committed a violation or have sold the motorbike or car listed in the confirmation letter, you can report it here.

You can come directly to the Gakkum Subdit Ditlantas Polda Metro Jaya Jalan MT Haryono Kav 5-6 Tebet, South Jakarta. In addition, you can also confirm it online via the page

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2. Deadline for confirmation is 8 days

Can you get an electronic ticket even though the car has been sold?  Here are the Tips Illustration. BETWEEN PHOTOS/Rivan Awal Lingga

You have 8 days to confirm from the time the violation occurred. If you do not confirm, your vehicle registration will be temporarily blocked.

Because it is very important to immediately respond to the confirmation letter you receive, even though you have sold the vehicle.

3. There are five stages of the electronic ticketing process

Can you get an electronic ticket even though the car has been sold?  Here are the Tips Illustration of a vehicle on the highway. BETWEEN PHOTOS/Aprillio Akbar

Electronic ticketing has five stages, namely:

Stage 1: Camera catches offense
Stage 2: Vehicle identification
Stage 3: Submit a confirmation letter
Stage 4: The vehicle owner confirms
Stage 5: Issuance of ticket

Read also: Electronic ticketing starts to take effect today, here’s a list of fines